Monday 11 July 2011

The Email Project Manager

Hi Team, are any of you an Email Project Manager, I know I am, that is managing a project purely by email, and maybe a spreadsheet with the activities outlined. I normally find that projects between  $5K  to $10K can be managed this way, otherwise for the amount of time we have to spend developing scopes, budgets, organising resources , Gantt Charts and the many other documents required when running a project, you find that you have exceeded the cost, that is, it's just not cost effective for us to spend anymore quality time on delivering the project.
When do you find yourselves in this position, for me it is usually towards the end of a project, but the request is not necessarily related to the main project, normally (in large organisations) you would treat this via a variation to the original Statement of Work (SOW) and can be accommodated as most of the resources are already versed to the requirement, as they have been working with the customer during the projects life cycle and hence it wouldn't take too much extra effort to implement. As long as they have a scope, outlined in an email, normally bullet points will suffice, as long as you being the Project Manager can add to the (email) scope with the dates and contacts then the task should not be too taxing, and able to be delivered relatively seamlessly.
So as you can see, an email with the scope  with some high level dates by the customer, which you can add to with more specific dates for delivery and possibly a spreadsheet with which resources are doing what and when, never under estimate the power of an "Excel Spreadsheet", it is an invaluable tool, well to me anyway. It's quick and easy and readily understandable by all involved, as long as the information is clear and concise.  That should be all you need to deliver the minor project, otherwise it's just not cost effective, and as you know, no "Job is ever too small" there you have it, the email Project Manager, that's me and I'm O.K. with it.

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